



Do you work in the construction industry? You may be eligible for CSQ Funding!

Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ) is an independent industry-funded body supporting employers, workers, apprentices and career seekers in the building and construction industry. CSQ Funding provides workers opportunities to upskill by subsidising the costs of training and assessment.

The CSQ funding available includes:

  • Short Courses Building
  • Short Courses Civil

Please note that a new funding round commences on the 1st October 2024.

To find out more about CSQ Funding head to or check out our Guide HERE

Commencing the 1st October 2024 this program provides funding to eligible construction workers to assist with up-skilling and cross- skilling. The training in this program will focus on assisting workers to adapt to safety, licensing and regulatory requirements, as well as to changing job requirements due to new products, processes and customer demands.

If you are a worker regularly involved in construction related tasks, or an unemployed eligible worker, and can meet the below criteria, you may be eligible for CSQ Funding. An unemployed eligible worker is defined as a worker who was employed in a construction related role within the last 6 months.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Right to Work:
      • You are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or permanent resident of Australia OR
      • A Visa holder with relevant permission to work and study and who has been working in the Queensland Building and Construction Industry for 6 months or more
  • Working in the Qld Building & Construction Industry – you are currently working in or have previously been employed in a construction related role in Queensland:
      • As an eligible worker
      • Through self-employment
      • As an unemployed eligible worker
  • Exclusions – students must NOT:
      • Be employed by an Authority
      • Be currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program
      • Be a contracted trainer/assessor or existing worker of an RTO
      • Be funded by an Authority or other such source for delivery of the same training being undertaken as part of this program
      • Have completed the training previously (excluding mandatory refreshers/renewals)
      • Be accessing funds for Verification of Competency (VOC)
      • Have completed more than the specified number of units of competency across all training organisations allowed for within the current funding period

Download the eligibility form below for full eligibility criteria and supporting documentation requirements.

Course code & name CSQ Funded Amount Student Contribution Fee
CPCCLDG3001 Licence to perform dogging $964 $701
CPCCLRG3001 Licence to perform rigging basic level $1249 $646
CPCCLRG3002 Licence to perform rigging intermediate level $1307 $643
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid $108 $47
MSMWHS217 Gas test atmospheres $202 $23
T0911 Introduction to Electrical Network Infrastructure for Authorised Person $409 $41
TLID3035 Operate a boom type elevating work platform $326 $24
TLILIC0005 Licence to operate a boom-type elevating work platform (boom length 11 metres or more) $528 $357
TLILIC0022 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 20 tonnes) $1418 $432
TLILIC0023 Licence to operate a slewing mobile crane (up to 60 tonnes) $1402 $497
TLILIC0024 Licence to operate a vehicle loading crane (capacity 10 metre tonnes and above) $1159 $566
TLILIC0040 Licence to operate a non-slewing mobile crane (greater than 3 tonnes capacity) $1250 $515
UETDREL006 Work safely near live electrical apparatus as a nonelectrical worker $270 $0
UETDRMP Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel $69 $10
UETDRMP Perform rescue from a live low voltage panel – Refresher $69 $10

Funding available through SWQ Training Pty Ltd is available in Central, Darling Downs – Toowoomba, South West & Greater Brisbane Regions

Click here to download our CSQ Funding eligibility form for building construction. Once all required documentation is submitted and received, your funding eligibility will be assessed, and you will be advised of the outcome within 1-3 business days.

Commencing the 1st October 2024 this program provides funding to eligible construction workers to assist with up-skilling and cross- skilling. The training in this program will focus on safety, licencing and regulatory requirements of the civil sector in the building and construction industry.

If you are a worker regularly involved in construction related tasks, or an unemployed eligible worker, and can meet the below criteria, you may be eligible for CSQ Funding. An unemployed eligible worker is defined as a worker who was employed in a construction related role within the last 6 months.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Right to Work:
      • You are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or permanent resident of Australia OR
      • A Visa holder with relevant permission to work and study and who has been working in the Queensland Building and Construction Industry for 6 months or more
  • Working in the Qld Building & Construction Industry – you are currently working in or have previously been employed in a construction related role in Queensland:
      • As an eligible worker
      • Through self-employment
      • As an unemployed eligible worker
  • Exclusions – students must NOT:
      • Be employed by an Authority (Government etc. local councils are acceptable)
      • Be currently enrolled and participating in a Queensland secondary school program
      • Be a contracted trainer/assessor or existing worker of an RTO
      • Be funded by an Authority or other such source for delivery of the same training being undertaken as part of this program
      • Have completed the training previously (excluding mandatory approved refreshers/renewals)
      • Be accessing funds for Verification of Competency (VOC)
      • Have completed more than the specified number of units of competency across all training organisations allowed for within the current funding period

Download the eligibility form below for full eligibility criteria and supporting documentation requirements.

Course code & name CSQ Funded Amount Student Contribution Fee
RIIHAN301E Operate elevating work platform $266.00 $84.00
RIIHAN308F Load and unload plant $266.00 $84.00
RIIHAN309F Conduct telescopic materials handler operations $540.00 $210.00
RIIMPO316E Conduct self-propelled compactor operation $404.00 $446.00
RIIMPO317F Conduct roller operations $500.00 $350.00
RIIMPO318F Conduct civil construction skid steer loader operations $505.00 $345.00
RIIMPO319E Conduct backhoe/loader operations $505.00 $345.00
RIIMPO320F Conduct civil construction excavator operations $505.00 $345.00
RIIMPO321F Conduct civil construction wheeled front end loader operations $505.00 $394.00
RIIMPO322E Conduct civil construction tracked front end loader operations $505.00 $394.00
RIIMPO323E Conduct civil construction dozer operations $505.00 $345.00
RIIMPO324F Conduct civil construction grader operations $505.00 $394.00
RIIMPO325E Conduct civil construction scraper operations $505.00 $345.00
RIIMPO326E Conduct water vehicle operations $455.00 $295.00
RIIMPO337E Conduct articulated haul truck operations $569.00 $181.00
RIIMPO338E Conduct rigid haul truck operations $569.00 $181.00
RIIRIS301E Apply risk management processes $240.00 $35.00
RIIWHS202E Enter and work in confined spaces $300.00 $0.00
RIIWHS204E Work safely at heights $225.00 $70.00
RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat $401.00 $174.00
RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat – Renewal $401.00 $0.00
RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plans $242.00 $178.00
RIIWHS302E Implement traffic management plans – Renewal $242.00 $108.00

Funding available through SWQ Training Pty Ltd is available in Darling Downs – Toowoomba, South West, Greater Brisbane Regions.

Click here to download our CSQ Funding eligibility form for civil construction. Once all required documentation is submitted and received, your funding eligibility will be assessed, and you will be advised of the outcome within 1-3 business days.



SWQ Training is a Skills Assure Supplier (SAS) through the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT).  The SAS system is designed to help students make informed decisions about their training, as well as aligning training investment options to the industry needs in Queensland. As an SAS, SWQ Training is approved to provide User Choice funding to eligible Apprentices and Trainees.

The User Choice program provides funding to eligible apprentices and trainees in Queensland, as a contribution towards the cost of their training.  The program supports the delivery of accredited entry-level training for the upskilling of workers through apprenticeships and traineeships.

User Choice funding is available to apprentices and trainees who live in Queensland and have entered into a training contract for an approved qualification funded by the Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.  Students are only eligible to receive one government contribution under this program at a time.

Additionally, apprentices and trainees can only access funding for a maximum of two qualifications under the User Choice program.

To complete an apprenticeship or traineeship, students must be age 13 years or older, as well as meet the minimum age requirements for the apprenticeship or traineeship they are enrolling in.  students under the age of 18 must have consent from their parent or guardian, including parental/guardian signature on their enrolment with SWQ Training.

Existing workers may also complete their qualification through an apprenticeship or traineeship.  Depending on experience in the workplace, students may be able to apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) to help complete their qualification in less time.  RPL is not available for experience gained after entering into a training contract.

Please contact us to discuss your eligibility in more detail.

The Qualifications in this program include:

Qualification Code & Title
RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations

  • Number of Core Units:  15
  • Number of Elective Units:  5
RII30920 Certificate III in Civil Construction

  • Number of Core Units:  8
  • Number of Elective Units:  18
  • Streams available:
    • Stream 4 – Road Construction and Maintenance

Student Contribution Fees are the non-government contribution to the cost of training and assessment.  Under the User Choice program, Student Contribution Fees are set at $1.60 per nominal hour for each unit of competency/module. This will be calculated and invoiced to the student at the commencement of each unit of competency/module.  Detailed fees will be calculated upon enrolment, based on the units selected by individual participants.

Fee Exemptions Available

Under the User Choice program, the below exemptions to Student Contribution Fees may apply:

  • Partial Exemptions – 40% of the full rate will be charged where the participant:
    • Is under the age of 17 years at end of February in the year of training, and is not at school and has not completed year 12;
    • Holds a Health Care Card, or Pensioner Concession Card;
    • Is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person, as stated in their Training Contract and on their Enrolment Form.
  • Full Exemptions – apply to the Student Contribution Fee where the participant:
  • Is a school-based apprentice and trainee;
  • Is an eligible fee-free year 12 graduate.

Additional charges for training under the User Choice program may include travel and accommodation, if a trainer is required to travel to your site to complete training and assessment activities.

Throughout your training additional charges may be identified for resources or equipment requirements.  However, these will be discussed with you are soon as possible and we will work with you to minimise any unnecessary expenses.

To start the process, your employer will contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provided.  AASNs provide general information about the apprenticeship/traineeship process and can advise on the incentives available through the Australian Government.  They will also help you select your training provider.

Once we have been notified that you wish to train with SWQ Training, we will start the sign up process to select your units and enrol you with SWQ Training.  This process is detailed further in our Qualification Guide.

In addition to our Qualification Sign up process, there are additional requirements when completing an apprenticeship or traineeship.

These include:

Employer Resource Assessment (ERA)

The ERA collects information about your workplace to confirm that you will have access to sufficient facilities, work, supervision and onsite training during your apprenticeship or traineeship.  We will complete this process during your sign up with us and gather any necessary information from your employer to ensure you have the right support in place throughout your training with us.

Training Record Book

Once you have selected the units you wish to complete for your qualification

n, we will issue you with a Training Record Book.  You are required to keep this with you while at work and to document the activities you complete in your workplace.  Your supervisor is also required to monitor your performance and make comments within this book.

During site visits, your trainer will review your Training Record Book before conducting any assessments.  As you complete each unit of competency, your trainer will mark this off in your book, so you can monitor your progress.

For further information regarding the User Choice program, please contact us or visit: check out our Guide HERE


Please contact us for further information regarding our funding options or how to apply.